Tuesday, February 28, 2006

They tell me that there is love here ........

They tell me that there is love here but I say that is blatant ( a blatant lie)...

Such is the refrain from a popular rap personality. The mixing of Chritstinaity with commerce is nothing new nor is it surprising. However, consider this, putting faith messages on a product may not be or could be cheapening Jesus. Even the marketing for the film "The Passion of the Christ" had it's share of tawdry baubbles to be sold.

Does a short film make something "righteous"? Of course not, believers are not mind numbed robots, Rather we have choices to make in this life. and the choices that one makes can define one's life to others. The good the bad the uncaring, they all are noticed by other people. All of the bad stuff clings to one like a shadow, you may not notice it, but it is always there.

However, Love keeps no memory of tresspasses, let's try and make our lives disprove the above statement.
Life Is good, for the dear only know that it is better to be living. And the living in Christ will never know Death,
And will witness to Christ's love. So there IS love here, not amongst men, but amongst the Godly.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

WE may be selling out our faith

There is a sad and very unsaid Truth happening in the US today. We are quite simply losing our roots as both a country and a faith. Instead of doing those things that we know to be correct, in all segments of our society we are trading in what we know to be true for the results that we would like to see happen.

Just stop, Just stop buying things that one knows that they cannot afford on credit, just stop lying to the very thing in all of ourselves that makes us ourselves, just stop. For once just think of others rather than ourselves, just do it. Do things that make your Spirit happy. Be true to thine oneself, and the resluts will amaze you, God does not demand us to be perfect, he asks us all to try and be loving, and love never fails, love is not proud rather love is beautiful and worthy of us all. And it is worthy of Christ. Put down that widget and notice the world, the perfection of a smile or a timely word, is worthy of life. Life and indeed time, are gifts, and who has ever heard of a poorly given gift? One can do more with a kind word and a smile, than a harsh word and hatred.in ones eyes.

Do these things and your light shall be a sight to behold. do these things that are worthy of our common existence.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

"if they do not work they shall not eat"

These words have been used by many a advocate of smaller govt, but what do they mean exactly in a Biblical or a moral context?

The early Christian church was certain that Christ would return immeadiately, and there were many who took advantage of the thought by not working, and taking advantage of there fellowship to not work. That of course does not mean that those who are actually are disabled should not work, Rather, it is more a case of the able bodied shirking any sort of labor and using Jesus's return as an excuse not to labor.